Sunday, September 11, 2011

RJA #3c: Research Question

 This is a list of questions related to my topic and subtopic. The question I would like to  research for my Argumentative Paper is “Do online students get the same quality of education as traditional classroom students?”  I believe the following questions should be asked about my subject;
1.      Are the workloads and material taught in online classes the same as in traditional classes?
2.      Is there a difference in retention of the subject matter in online versus traditional classes?
3.      Is it easier to cheat in online classes since no one is physically “watching you”?
4.      Do employers consider online degrees to be the same as a degree from a traditional school?
5.      Are all online schools accredited the same way and if not are they working towards regulations that all schools must meet?
6.      Can credits form one online school even be transferred to another school?
7.      Are the costs of online education cheaper than public schools or traditional universities?
8.      Are the same financing and financial aid options available for online schools?
9.      Are the loan default rates different between online and traditional education?
10.  What are the tuition costs compared to public schools and colleges?
11.  Do they charge out of state residence fees for internet classes?
12.  What percentages of online graduates find work in their field of study?
13.  What kinds of services like tutoring and academic advising are offered at online schools?
14.  What about access to library and research materials for online students?
15.  How do recent and long term graduates feel about their online educations? Would they recommend it to their friends and would they do it again?
16.  What kinds of tech support are available to online students who are still learning computer skills?
17.  Are the credentials of the online teachers the same as in the regular classroom?
18.  Are these instructors teaching in their field of study?
19.  Do these online instructors have experience teaching online?
20.  Have the instructors ever taken an online class?
21.  Are the class loads of online educators and traditional educators the same?
22.  Are the slower response times to questions online a hindrance to learning and finishing classwork?
23.  What are the different methods to contact your online teachers if you have a question such as email, phone etc.?
24.  How many students have successfully completed online courses and graduated?
25.  How are tests and quizzes administered in an online environment?
26.  Will my diploma or degree show indicate if I took all my classes online?
27.  How often are these online programs and classes reviewed for quality and fairness in the curriculum?

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