Saturday, September 24, 2011

RJA #5a: Reference Articles

9/24/11   The first search I did was on Citizendium, the search string was online education. It came up with 500+ results of which only 2 of the first 40 were relevant. The first relevant article I found was entitled “Cyberschool” which is a very short article with really good references. The first reference I linked to was;
 “A National Primer on K-12 online learning” written by John F Watson
Written in April 2007 in California for an online educators symposium published in September 2007 Published by The North American Council for Online Learning

The second reference was “Keeping Pace with
k – 12 Online Learning” A Review of State-Level, Policy and Practice, 2007.Research and writing by; John Watson and Jennifer Ryan, Evergreen Consulting Associates, Writing, editing, and guidance from, Craig Butz, Odyssey Charter Schools, Pete Knopf, Illinois Virtual High School, Kate Loughrey, Texas Education Agency, Liz Pape, Virtual High School ,Allison Powell, Clark County School District, Mickey Revenaugh, Connections Academy, Essington Wade, Clark County School District, Matt Wicks, Illinois Virtual High School, Julie Young, Florida Virtual School

I next went to Wikipedia and did a search for online education; again the references make my searching much easier. Listed in the references is a link to; Allen, I. Elaine; Seaman, Jeff (November 2006) (PDF). Making the Grade: Online Education in the United States, 2006. Needham, MA: The Sloan Consortium. ISBN 0987654321. Retrieved , 9/24/ 2011. This is a report by the Sloan Consortium on the effectiveness of online education.
It also listed two more excellent references the first an article and the second a book.
Oblinger, Diana G. (2000). "The Nature and Purpose of Distance Education". The Technology Source (Michigan: Michigan Virtual University) (March/April). Retrieved 9/24/ 2011. A modified paper from a presentation at the 1999 EDUCAUSE conference in Long Beach, CA. Interesting article listing the pros and cons of online learning.
 Lever-Duffy, Judy; McDonald, Jean B. (March 2007) Teaching and Learning with Technology. Ana A. Ciereszko, Al P. Mizell (3rd ed.). Allyn & Bacon. p. 377. ISBN 0205511910. Retrieved 9/24/ 2011. Written by teachers for teachers, this text offers a clear and current look at the range of educational technologies and how teachers can effectively use technology to enhance learning. Written by Teachers for Teachers, this text provides readers with a clear understanding of educational media and how it can be used effectively to enhance learning. The text explores the current and emerging technologies and multimedia available to teachers while consistently maintaining an instructional focus for Pre-service and in-service teachers.

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