Sunday, September 25, 2011

RJA #5c: Periodical Articles

Periodical Search
I started my periodical search on with the search words online education vs. traditional. It came back with 6,761 results of which this is the first one. There were 2 of the first 10 that were relevant.
Review of Educational Research
The Review of Educational Research (RER) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education, including conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research. Impact Factor: 3.127
Ranked: 2 out of 177 in Education & Educational Research Source: 2010 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2011)
This is the second.
Journal of Marketing Education
Journal of Marketing Education (JMD) provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, information, and experiences related to educating students of marketing and advertising. JMD is the leading peer-reviewed, international scholarly journal publishing articles on the latest techniques in marketing education, emphasizing new course content and effective teaching methods. It also addresses professional issues, including development of the curriculum, career development, and the state of the profession.
Knowledge Transfer in Online Learning Environments
David E. Hansen
Journal of Marketing Education, Aug 2008; 30: 93 - 105.
This is the third one that looks really close to what I’m looking for including the social perspective of online homeschooling.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society (BSTS), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, provides a means of communication within as wide of a spectrum of the STS community as possible, including faculty and students from sciences, engineering, the humanities, and social science. Its scope is that which is of value in STS pedagogy at either the university or K-12 level.
The goal of the Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society is to provide a means of communication within as wide of a spectrum of the STS community as possible. This includes faculty and students from sciences, engineering, the humanities, and social science in the newly emerging groups on university and college campuses, and in the high school systems, all of which teach integrative STS subject matters. It also includes professionals in government, industry and universities, ranging from philosophers and historians of science to social scientists concerned with the effects of science and technology, scientists and engineers involved with the study and policy-making of their own craft, and the concerned general leader. A third category of readers represents "society": all journalists dealing with the impacts of science and technology in their respected fields, the public interest groups and the attentive public.
After this, I switched databases to look for free articles that are as closely related to my subject as these. I used Google Scholar with the term “online education vs. traditional education and found only 2 including a very recent article.
This is in the Journal of American Science, it’s an article on the new challenges facing online students and the shift away from traditional classrooms, written in 2011 by Gharibpana and Zamani at Islamic Azad University in Iran. Surprisingly, it’s very well written and really right on my subject matter, it’s titled; It just goes to show how small the internet has made the world.
Accessing characteristics of online education and comparing of traditional education.
   I changed my search term to online education and changed the date to 200 or newer. It came back with 531,00 searches so I looked over the first page of results and changed the term again to narrow it down. I put in online education+traditional and got 657,000 results, that didn’t quite work like I thought but I found an interesting paper written in 2010 in California that looks at the performances and background of MBA Business students in both an online and traditional environment.
The Two Worlds of Adult MBA Education: Online v. Traditional Courses in
Student Background and Performance
Yingxia Cao
Director of Institutional Research
University of La Verne
1950 3rd St.
La Verne, CA 91750
909-593-3511 ext. 4235
(Corresponding Author)
Then I found this article by E All - Five Years of Growth in Online learning, Oct.2007 Written by Allen for Sloan Consortium detailing the last five years of growth in online education, including pertinent questions and survey results of teachers and students.

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